Below are some of the sites Urban Legend web has helped to make.
The notes with each project make clear what role Urban Legend web design filled, whether it be developing, designing, updating, or coding each site.
Click the screenshot thumbnails for a larger version.
Some smaller projects are listed on the blog page.

This WordPress-driven site is for a boutique Christchurch Bed & Breakfast. The design is a custom theme by Urban Legend web. The site features a custom booking system based on the WooCommerce Accommodation Bookings plugin.
It uses a bespoke system to allow guests to enter credit card details online.
The content is managed by the site's owner.

This site is for a thriving wife-and-husband business in Kerikeri,, a bird park and breeding centre also selling pet products online.
Their WordPress-driven site had been using an outdated e-commerce system. Urban Legend converted it to the now-standard WooCommerce, which streamlines product management for the site owner, and vastly improves site useability for visitors.
We designed and coded the new theme, which went live in June 2016, based on the business’ colour motifs and logo.

This WordPress site is for a Whangarei, New Zealand business supplying water to households in the district. It uses a customised child theme.

This site is driven by WordPress, and uses a customised theme.
It is for a Te Puke craftsman who makes wood-fired ovens.
The site, launched in August 2021, needed to be simple, informative, and attractive.

This site uses a WooCommerce engine, and a theme designed and customised by Urban Legend web.
It features affordable, convenient, powerful head lamps.
It is mobile-friendly, and uses hand-coded additions to a WooCommerce template, as well as HTML5 and elements of Bootstrap.
The design is aimed at a target market for these headlamps – active outdoors people.

This site is an Urban Legend web project.Its aim is to serve as an aid to ESOL students.
The site is WordPress-driven. We have heavily modified an existing theme to produce the original design.
We have added, and modified, plugins to - among other things - allow the user to switch the text language of the site.

This WordPress-driven website, for a saw-milling business based in Te Kuiti, milling and producing high-quality processed Radiata Pine for the building industry.
The project was contracted to Urban Legend web by Elan Design, who produced the custom designs. We converted the design to a custom WordPress theme, along with the necessary menus, posts, widgets, links etc to make the site easily editable to the client, or someone else with no knowledge of web languages.

This site is, The Great New Zealand River Ride, an outdoors project based on New Zealand’s largest rvier, the Waikato.
Urban Legend web was contracted by Cube Media to install and configure wordpress, code an original theme using that publishing platform, and based on supplied graphics, and add functional extensions.
The site features a JQuery slider on the front page, a JQuery-based drop-down menu, custom widgets, and customised plugins, including a subscription service.
Site re-designed -

This site, for an Auckland childcare centre, was contracted to Urban Legend web via Elan Design, who provided the graphics and website content. We coded the custom WordPress theme, comprising pages, posts and categories, widgets, etc. We installed and configured the necessary plugins. Note that the client has yet to use the CMS to complete some of the content, including photo gallery, and events.

For this project I was under contract to a Christchurch agency, PublicaDDM. My role was working within the WordPress framework to set up the frontend theme, as per supplied files. That involved creating and editing CSS, HTML, and Javascript to meet the project requirement. The layout is responsive. My role also involved setting up the backend content management system, using PHP.

This site, featuring designer T-Shirts for New Zealanders, is designed by Mark Tyrell of Elan Design .
Urban Legend web was contracted to customise the functionality of the WordPress WooCommerce-driven site.
In terms of design, that included a mobile-friendly and heavily-customised theme based on the Gantry framework.
In terms of functionality, the site is again heavily-customised, including;
implementing security and content module customisations to WordPress & WooCommerce
a two-tier sign-up and pricing system which distinguishes between retailers and shoppers
a flexible and user-friendly front-end ordering system which allows buyers to choose mutliple products and variants from a single page
The content is managed by Elan Design.

This is a WordPress-driven sister site to The Parrot Place.
To identify it as such, it uses most of the basic design elements from that site, but with a new colour palette.
This has been achieved using the SASS pre-processor for CSS styling. As with its parent site,it features an online shopping system, and a custom accordion-style menu at left allowing visitors to drill down easily through product categories.

This site is for a boutique Auckland designer, Kali Designs, and showcases the range of original products on offer.
It uses a customised version of the popular open-source shopping cart platform OpenCart to allow stockist to order via the website. It also allows the site owner to manage content, and products, behind the scenes, with minimal technical know-how.
Its design, by Urban Legend web and the owner, aims for elegant simplicity.
Products include jewellery boxes, money boxes, wallets, coin purses, bags and glasses case.

This site is for a NZ-government agency, FEUT, which manages carbon emissions for government-owned forests.
The site design is by McGovern & Associates, and coded into a custom WordPress theme by Urban Legend web.
The site is coded in HTML5, and features some custom jQuery in the Licensed Crown Forests section, and on the contact page. It also gives its owners the ability to update a forests database from an uploaded Excel file using a customised WordPress plugin.
It uses modern @Font-face coding to render the desired font family across platforms.

This site is an Urban Legend web in-house project. It uses WordPress and WooCommerce. It uses a heavily-customised child theme. The products are all dummy content from WooCommerce's test suite.

Urban Legend web was commissioned to code this design into a WordPress custom theme.
That involved creating a child theme from a parent, and coding the PHP, CSS, jQuery, and HTML for the site.
There were multiple editable segments in the site, allowing the site owners to manage the content.
Site re-designed

This is the original version of the Auckland Writers' Festival site, from the early 2000s. The design is by McGovern & Associates. Urban Legend web coded the theme using HTML, CSS, and Javascript.
Site re-designed --

This site is WordPress-driven, and is for a Whangarei electrical repair company. It is based on an existing WordPress theme, and heavily modified by Urban Legend web.
We used custom jQuery and css for the modifications.
Site no longer live after the business was bought out.

This site is WordPress-driven, and is for an organisation which aims to combine business and community interests in New Zealand. It was inherited, and is managed, updated, and tweaked, by Urban Legend web, having originally been designed and launched by McGovern & Associates. Since then we’ve regularly added widgets and plugins, and made design and css changes to help make the frequently-updated site manageable.
Domain no longer exists

This site was for a plastering business in the Bay of Plenty. It is WordPress-driven, and designed by Urban Legend web. We heavily customised an existing theme by creating a child theme.
Site no longer live

This site was designed by McGovern & Associates.
Urban Legend web was commissioned to code the templates for the site in HTML, CSS,and Javascript.
Site redesigned

This is a project for McGovern & Associates. It used their in-house CMS. Urban Legend web cut and coded the template files, and integrated it into the CMS.
Site re-designed

John Leech Gallery. Site designed by McGovern & Associates. Templates cut and coded by Urban Legend web.
Site de-designed.

This is a 2002 sand-box experiment in vanilla Javascript. It is a simple tool for choosing website color schemes.