Do you want to take your site’s SEO to the next level? Yoast SEO Premium can help you out! But, there is also a free version of Yoast SEO. So, what exactly is the difference between the free version of Yoast SEO and Yoast SEO Premium? Let’s find all about the most important features that you’ll get when you upgrade to Yoast SEO Premium!
1. Redirect manager
No more 404s? Prevent and fix dead links with the redirect manager
When you’re working on your site, you’re bound to run into cases where you’re deleting pages, moving pages, changing URLs for categories, etc. All these changes can cause problems when you’re not properly redirecting the old URLs to new ones.
In all these cases and more, our redirect manager can help you fix those. You won’t need a developer to create those redirects for you anymore, just do it yourself with the redirect manager in Yoast SEO Premium!
58% of premium users praise the redirect manager as the best feature in Yoast SEO Premium!
Read more: The redirect manager in Yoast SEO »
2. State-of-the-art text optimization
Optimize your content in the most natural way possible
Search engines get smarter every day and context is key in SEO. They use the context in which a keyword appears to determine what a text is about. Synonyms and related terms, therefore, are more important than ever.
Yoast SEO Premium lets you optimize your text for these synonyms and related terms. In addition to that, it detects any word forms of the keyword you use in your text. If you use for instance “decoration”, we will find word forms like “decorated” and “decorates” as well, just like Google does.
These features work in conjunction with another awesome feature, that of keyword distribution. Our analyses tell you if you’ve distributed your terms well throughout the text. This is the closest to Google’s algorithm you will get with a WordPress plugin!*
Keep reading: Yoast SEO Premium analysis: As smart as Google »
* We are constantly working on perfecting this for all available languages.
3. Internal linking
Get releveant internal linking suggestions. No need to know all your content off the top of your head!
If you want to rank, you have to create content. High quality, relevant and informative content, about the keywords you want to be found for. The more you have, the better. If you manage to create all this content, you might face other challenges though. How do you structure this content? How do you show Google which posts are related and which are most important?
That’s where our internal linking tool helps you out. It shows which posts are related to the one you’re working on, so it’s super easy to link to related posts.
But don’t just take our word for it, here’s what Andrew Evans from Intellifluence says about the internal linking tool:
While the Yoast SEO free plugin offers many great features, the Premium version takes things to the next level. The internal linking suggestions feature ensures our blog is organized in a cohesive manner. It also ensures that link equity passes to other posts. This feature alone saves a tremendous amount of time as the plugin suggests links as we write. As the site grows, this feature only becomes more valuable! If you’ve ever tried to develop an interlinking strategy for an established blog, you’ll know exactly what I mean…
Read on: Internal linking with Yoast SEO »
4. Social previews
See your social posts through the eyes of your readers
Doesn’t it annoy you, when you share your blog post on Facebook and the wrong image appears? With Yoast SEO Premium you can check what your post will look like on Facebook or Twitter, without even going to these channels. While working on your post you can just go to the Yoast SEO meta box, upload the image you’d like to show, and make sure it will look fine:
Keep on reading: Preview your social media post with Yoast SEO »
5. Orphaned content filter
Catch hard-to-find content
For an article to rank well it has to be available for search engines. A lot of sites, however, have so-called orphaned content – i.e. content that’s not linked from anywhere and thus unavailable to both search engines as well as visitors.
In the past, it used to be hard to track down orphaned content and to add it correctly to the site structure. With Yoast SEO Premium’s orphaned content filter its a piece of cake. Coupled with the internal linking tool you’ll start linking these posts in no-time!
Read more: The orphaned content filter in Yoast SEO »
6. Stale cornerstone content filter
Let us remind you to update your outdated content
Your most complete and highest-ranking posts or pages, a.k.a. your cornerstone content should be up-to-date at all times. But in your day-to-day activities, you might not always think about them.
Our stale cornerstone content filter will remind to check them at least every 6 months! If you find one of your cornerstones in this filter, make sure to go through it and check if it’s still up to date. Easy as pie!
Keep reading: The stale cornerstone content filter in Yoast SEO »
7. Support
Should you ever run into issues with Yoast SEO Premium on your site you can get help from our world-class support team. They’re awesome!
Get Yoast SEO Premium now!
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The post Why you should buy Yoast SEO Premium appeared first on Yoast.