Post Connector 1.5

Post Connector
I’m happy to announce that we’ve released the biggest update to Post Connector so far, version 1.5. New features in this update include related connections, backwards linking and automatically displaying linked posts after a post.

Related Connections

Here at Yoast we’ve been recommending you to add related posts to your post pages since it encourages both readers and search engines to continue their visit to your site. This means more pageviews per visit for visitors and for search engines it means you tie your related content to each other, improving its chance to rank in the search results.

Post Connector 1.5 introduces the concept of related connections. With related connections your WordPress website will suggest related (custom) posts which you can then easily link to the post you’re writing. Just like any other connection in Post Connector, related connections are stored in your database allowing them to be fully cached by WordPress and thus keeping your website fast.

In recent months, more and more hosting parties have recommended against the use of related posts plugins because they create to heavy a strain on the database. You will not get this issue with Post Connector.

Backwards linking

You can now link posts both ways, so instead of only linking from parent to child you can now also link from child to parent. Backwards linking is a connection option, allowing you to enable it per connection. Both parent to child and child to parent links can be automatically displayed under posts.

This allows us, for instance, to link this post to the Post Connector plugin page, but also the other way round. This allows us to show recent posts about Post Connector on the plugin page itself, and a block with related plugins on the page here.

Automatically displaying linked posts

Automatically displaying linked posts introduces a new way of displaying linked posts. Next to our widget and shortcode you can now display linked posts by let Post Connector append them to your posts. This new feature prevents the need of editing your theme files allowing you to easily switch themes in the future.

This new feature of course ties in perfectly with both the other two options above, making Post Connector a quick and easy related posts plugin.

Post Connector 1.5: available now!

If you’ve already bought Post Connector, you can download the update now. Otherwise:
go buy it now

Also included in this update

We’ve also fixed several bugs, introduced an autoloader, improved our various admin screens, improved our license handling and added various languages.

This post first appeared on Yoast. Whoopity Doo!