If you’re an advanced WordPress user, you’ll have “abused” taxonomies quite often to relate post types to each other. Now you might think “abused? but that’s what they’re for, right?” Well… Not entirely. Sometimes you just want to relate posts directly to posts. There are loads of reasons why you’d want to do this, for instance I might want to relate plugins to this post as I talk about them This functionality is exactly what our new plugin Post Connector offers.
The backstory
Sometimes, in business, you get lucky. We did recently when we were lucky enough to find a kick ass new senior developer within one (!!) day of posting the job posting. Barry Kooij joined us and has been showing his skills on various plugin projects already. Barry already had a premium plugin going which we “acqui-hired” along with him.
When I saw this plugins code, I knew I wanted to hire Barry. I have to admit I was slightly scared by the code too. Barry is the kind of developer that makes me weep at my own ineptitude to properly structure and document code. You’ll find out what his new skills mean for our other plugins soon, if you haven’t already.
The plugin used to be called Sub Posts but we’ve decided to rename it Post Connector, and it is now available on Yoast.com.
Some of you might know about a plugin called Posts to Posts from Scribu. I loved that plugin, but Scribu himself has entered it into “hibernation mode”, which makes our, fully supported premium plugin, all the more valuable.
Future plans
We have lots more features planned for this plugin and will be entering into an active release schedule with it. Along with those releases, we’ll be working on our marketing materials, as I realise we can do a better job of explaining what this plugin does. For now, go to the Post Connector plugin page and check it out!
This post first appeared on Yoast. Whoopity Doo!