If you’re reading this through an RSS feed then hop over to newInternetOrder.com and check out my new design! If you’re already here then … well … hi!
Long story short, here’s the new design.
I wanted to change something for a long time now. These days, more and more blogs decide to go a more purpose-centered path, where the posts themselves are not all that matters, and the aim is to make the advice much more structured. This is also the path I’ve chosen for this site from now on.
There are a couple of important things to mention about this new look. So here we go:
The blog
As you can see, the blog (link) is no longer present on the homepage. Instead, it has its own dedicated section.
The blog design is kind of minimalistic and only consists of a handful of elements. The biggest change is the sidebar, which now features hardly any additional boxes.
I basically wanted to make things a lot simpler, which should make the content much more visible. As it turns out, using extensive sidebars isn’t the best strategy out there to make your content reader-friendly…
The homepage
The homepage consists of a number of different blocks, and an overall big focus on the email list (more on which in a minute).
I’m also working on a completely new “New Here” page that would welcome new visitors and show them a good starting point around the content on this site. In the meantime, the current new here link points to one of the recent posts – the 6 pillars of online business.
The next section is all about some online business resources. Those four boxes will change every now and then so don’t forget to visit the homepage from time to time.
The last two sections are pretty straightforward (the about me block and the latest posts), so no explanation needed.
The email list
Today, I’m officially retiring my subscription bonuses, which are:
- e-book: Create Irresistible Blog Posts in Just 6 Steps,
- e-book: 192 Unique & Creative Niche Ideas for Your Own Online Business,
- online tool: A/B Split Test Significance Checker.
Important. They still are and will remain available. The only difference is that you don’t have to opt in in order to get them. You can download them just like that. I will be providing download links soon.
My resource pages
There are some resource pages on this blog. For example:
Currently, they’ve only gone through a slight redesign, but I will be introducing some new content and turning them into something bigger soon (to be announced).
Technical stuff
If you’re interested in this sort of stuff, the design is built on a completely new framework (Genesis). It still runs on WordPress and most of the old plugins continue to operate normally. As it turns out, I was quite lucky not to face any plugin compatibility issues.
I hope you like the new design. I’m open to comments and suggestions so feel free to let me know what you think.
New Design at newInternetOrder.com! | newInternetOrder.com