Or does it?
Anyway, I’m delighted to say that I’ve made it to the final round of Danny Iny’s marketing competition – “Marketing that Works.”
The competition is all about innovative marketing ideas, and sharing them with others. Every participant had to come up with such an idea, and then turn it into a guest post.
I can’t give you too much details about my post right now, but let me just tell you that it’s about upselling. Not the general idea, of course, but a single specific aspect of it.
If you’re not that familiar with upselling feel free to check out some of my other posts:
How they’ll pick the winner
Basically, they won’t … you decide. Everything counts: tweets, likes, shares, +1’s, comments, and such. So when the time comes I’ll let you know and shoot you a link to the post.
By the way, here’s Danny’s blog where everything’s happening: Firepole Marketing.
… And now, something entirely different …
Engagement from Scratch
Quite recently, Danny launched his new book “Engagement from Scratch!” It’s basically a collaborative work of many authors. The likes of: C.C. Chapman, Corbett Barr, Brian Clark, Guy Kawasaki, and others.
What is it about? As the subtitle says: “How super-community builders create a loyal audience and how you can do the same!”
I had the privilege to get an early excerpt, and write a short review. This review has ended up in the book itself; nice(!) [image above]. Here’s what I had to say:
What’s interesting about this particular publication is that the individual stories of all the contributing authors tie together and create one actionable and inspirational resource. When you see a book by one single author then there’s only one approach that they give to the reader – the “good approach that has worked for me – the author.”
But here, the situation is different. Different people, with different stories, so in the end you can see that each person has a unique approach to success (and all of them good), and in the end it’s for you to decide what path you want to take yourself, or how to combine different advice from different people into your own plan.
If you want to get the book feel free to check this Amazon link: Engagement from Scratch!: How Super-Community Builders Create a Loyal Audience and How You Can Do the Same!
That’s it for today. Have a nice Sunday!
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- Things You Can Learn about Marketing while Sunbathing
- The Brain Dead Simple Explanation of Marketing
Guess What? My Marketing Works! | newInternetOrder.com