Adding Google’s +1 Button to WordPress Sites

Google rolled out their +1 button today. So I added it here. You’ll find it below all the posts. Try it out.

Here’s the simple-stupid plugin I wrote to do it. While you can just edit your theme, I like making these sort of things into plugins. That way, I can turn them off at will, and I know exactly where to go to change them without having to dive into my theme code. Also, if I change themes, the code still works on the new theme.

Plugin Name: Otto's Google +1 Button
Description: Add a +1 button after the content.
Author: Otto
Version: 999

add_filter('the_content', 'google_plusone');

function google_plusone($content) {
	$content = $content.'<div class="plusone"><g:plusone size="tall" href="'.get_permalink().'"></g:plusone></div>';
	return $content;

add_action ('wp_enqueue_scripts','google_plusone_script');

function google_plusone_script() {
	wp_enqueue_script('google-plusone', '', array(), null);

I wrapped the button in a div so that I could style it. In my particular case, I’m floating it right and giving it a margin, same as the Twitter and Facebook plugins. One day, I’ll make all these little Google plugins more generic and configurable, and roll them into a Simple Google Connect plugin. :)

One thing I don’t like is that the +1 button only works for people who are logged into a GMail account. Sorry Google Apps users, you’re out of luck. Complain to Google until they fix it.

If you want to add more parameters to the plugin and reconfigure it, you can find out about the available parameters here: