Ask Yoast: buy multiple Top Level Domains for SEO?

When you’re starting a business, you probably want to launch a website too. So you have to register one domain or more. Let’s say you’re registering your brandname as a domain, which extensions or TLDs (Top Level Domains) should you pick? Or perhaps Does it matter for SEO? We’ll help you make that choice in this Ask Yoast.

We received a question from Rob:

“Is there any benefit to having multiple extensions of a .com domain name? Like .net, .biz,, etc.?
If so, how can you use these to an SEO advantage?”

Check out the video or read the answer below!

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TLD influence on SEO?

In the video, I’ll explain what to consider when selecting additional Top Level Domains:

“Well, for SEO value it doesn’t really matter, because for SEO you probably want to use one domain and one domain only, in particular a more generic one, like .net, .biz, etc. I would really recommend using just one and if you can, use the .com. But on the other hand I would buy all of them. Why?

Well, because you don’t want anyone else using them for their business. Your domain name probably relates to your business in some way and you don’t want anyone else using that for something else. So I would preregister or register a lot of them or at least the common ones, especially the easy ones like .net, .biz. You don’t have to do all the new fancy ones, like .agency… or whatever they come up with, but I would do the .net, .biz, etc. for your business.

Good luck!”

Ask Yoast

In the series Ask Yoast we answer SEO questions from followers. Need some advice about SEO? Let us help you out! Send your question to

Read more: ‘Domain names and their influence on SEO’ »